RAC Report on Motoring 2023

RAC Report on Motoring

The most comprehensive insight into UK driver opinion

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RAC Report on Motoring

The views of the UK’s approximately 40m motorists are of the utmost importance to politicians, local authorities and businesses and the motor industry when it comes to developing policies and plans for the future.

The Report on Motoring provides a detailed picture of drivers’ attitudes and opinions on important topics – from understanding the continuing role the car plays in so many people’s lives to the condition and maintenance of the UK’s roads and the behaviour of other road users. The Report also compares the most recent findings with those from previous annual Reports on Motoring in order to highlight changes and trends in motorists’ views.

For press materials related to the Report on Motoring, please visit the RAC Media Centre.

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Report on Motoring 2011

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Report on Motoring 2010

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